This opportunity is not lost in the sports world. For over a decade, teams and their sponsors have tried to use QR codes to track and capture fan data. For the most part, those results were lack luster due to lack of adoption among the general population. As mentioned, the COVID world has changed that adoption and phones are automatically loaded with readers- it is as simple as taking a picture.
Incorporating QR codes in this season’s branding package can be very simple, but also a game changer. Although a customized consultation will yield the best results for your program, below are a few ideas.
- Provide Game Day information via parking lot or ticket entrance signage
- Access stadium maps via ground markers
- Have free Game Day programs available from pole banners at main causeways
- Overview concession items via dimensional QR codes on concession stands
- Highlight sponsor promotions on vomitorium covers
- Launch a fan engagement scavenger hunt via distinctive QR codes (altering the overlying shape and/or logo included).
To discuss any of these concepts, or others, contact one of our consultants today at sales@oaicorp.com.